10 Lepers Song

It is so important to teach our little ones to say thank you to others. We especially need to teach them to say thank you to God and Jesus for all they have given us. A great story to teach your little one about saying thank you is the story of the one leprous man who came back and thanked Jesus for healing him (Luke 17:11-19). After teaching your child about this story, you can sing the below song with them. As you say the numbers use your fingers to count along with the song.

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10 Leprous Men Song

Tune: 10 Little Christians

One leper, two leper, three leprous men,
Four leper, five leper, six leprous men,
Seven leper, eight leper, nine leprous men,
Ten leprous men were sick.

Jesus told them to go to the priests.
Jesus told them to go to the priests.
Jesus told them to go to the priests.
Ten men were healed by Jesus.

Ten healed, nine healed, eight healed men,
Seven healed, six healed, five healed men,
Four healed, three healed, two healed men,
Only one said thank you.

One healed man said “Thank you, Jesus”.
One healed man said “Thank you, Jesus”.
One healed man said “Thank you, Jesus”.
The other nine said nothing.

We should always thank the Lord.
We should always thank the Lord.
We should always thank the Lord
For our many blessings.