Obey Painting Overview

Obey Painting


Teaching our children to obey is a great lesson to teach early on... and often! We can teach this lesson by teaching stories of people in the Bible who did or did not obey. For example, I used this craft when teaching a lesson on how Adam and Eve did not obey God in Genesis 3. Or we can teach obedience with verses like Deuteronomy 11:1 and Ephesians 6:1-3 that tell us we should our obey God and our parents. 

In this craft, you will be using painter's tape to spell out the word 'Obey' on watercolor paper. Then when your child paints all the untaped space, you will be left with the word 'Obey' in white underneath the tape. This craft can also work well with other words than 'Obey'. For example you could do the word 'Joy' when teaching Philippians 4:4 or you could do the word 'Love' when teaching John 3:16 or 1 John 4. Customize it to work for the lesson your are teaching your child. 


  • Watercolor Paper
  • Thin Painter's Tape
  • Scissors (optional)
  • Watercolor Paints
  • Paint Brush


Blank Obey Watercolor Painting

Take your watercolor paper and use your painters tape to spell out the word 'OBEY'. You can use the scissors here on the tape if you want to get straight lines. Depending on the age of you children, they could do this step. But if you are short on time, it might be best to do this yourself beforehand.

Obey Watercolor Painted

Now paint your blank, taped paper. You can paint over the letters as much as you need to. It won't mess up the final product at all!

Finished Watercolor Painting

After letting the paint dry some, you can peel the tape off. Be sure to not pull the tape off too quick or else the paint might bleed on to the white letters.

And that's it! Your child or class will love making this beautiful artwork. If you are looking for another craft project related to obedience check our our 'hidden message' Obey! bookmark.