David and Goliath Bible Class

David and Goliath Activities and Materials


Have you ever told the story of David and Goliath and thought “I just need something to make this Bible story really come to life”? I suggest that it may be a floor to ceiling Goliath. Within the last couple of years, we added a large Goliath illustration to our curriculum and it made a big difference in our children’s perception of the Bible story. They now can see just what David had to conquer and how his faith in God was so important to his victory. Read on to find out how you can utilize this special resource.

The Unit, Lesson and Materials

The objective of the lesson is: The Learner Will (TLW) name who David fought and when asked who helped David fight the giant, TLW answer God. We create kits of our lessons so that when we teach these lessons every two years then all we need to do is pull the well organized storage box of lessons and we are ready to teach. There is an investment at first in the materials but they will last throughout unless not well cared for or maintained. We have a Unit on David that is David the Shepherd Boy; David and Goliath; David and Jonathan are Friends; David is a King and David cares for Mephiboseth. We teach the David and Goliath lesson twice. Remember when working with young children, repetition is important.

Materials that could be used for this lesson would be: David and Goliath flannel board story, battle armor, battle play set, and David and Goliath puppets. We also use a shepherd’s sling found on Amazon and large marshmallows as well as a a Blacklight chart story from Palma Smiley’s Early Childhood Curriculums and various craft projects free craft projects found on the web to complete the two lesson activities.


Put David and Goliath finger puppets on hand.

Introduction: “Do you see what I see? I see the shepherd boy David. And look who is that? It is a giant. A giant is a very big person. I wonder why David is beside a giant. Let’s listen and see what will happen in this Bible story.”

1. Use flannel board to tell about this Bible event from 1 Samuel 17.

Stress as tell Bible story that Goliath was very big. (Someone that David might have been afraid of but he knew God was on his side. Use the Goliath on the wall to show how big he was in comparison to their own size.)

David watched over what? Yes sheep. One day his daddy said stop watching the sheep and take food to his brothers who were at a big fight with people called the Philistines. When David got there he saw that there was a giant named Goliath who was very mean. He did not say nice things about David’s friends and God. He said that David’s people were going to do what he wanted them to do whether they wanted to or not. Everyone was afraid of the giant, Goliath. Everyone that is except David. He said he would fight Goliath. David was only a boy! The King, King Saul, said David could fight the giant if he would wear his armor. Look at how silly David looks. David said no. He said he only needed his sling, 5 stones and God. When the giant saw that David wanted to fight him, he laughed. (Can you laugh?) David took one stone put it in the sling, and turned the sling round and round. The stone went flying through the air and right on the giant’s forehead. The giant fell down, down, down. David beat the giant because God helped him. Aren’t you glad God helped David win and beat the giant? I am.

2. Down Went the Giant
This is sung to Pop Goes the Weasel
Goliath had a sword and shield.
Goliath was a giant.
David slung a rock at him.
Down went the giant.  (From: www.preschool-plan-it.com)

3. Review: Who did David knock down with one little stone? Encourage the words Giant or Goliath or ask to point to the answer if non-verbal. (You could use flannel board to get children to find David and the big giant.

Who took care of David when he fought Goliath? God (point to heavens)

Tune: Wheels on the Bus
God will take care of me,
Care of me, care of me
God will take care of me
Like He did for David.

Talk about things that you are afraid of. Ask the children are they afraid of anything. Stress God will take care of us all. Repeat song above.

4. Show the children the armor. Ask why David did not wear it? Do the children think it would fit them? Would it work for them against the big giant? Why or why not?

5. Give the children pieces from the battlefield. Have them retell the story with you by acting out the story with the pieces.

6. Show the children how the sling works. Let the children try using it but they can just throw a large marshmallows at the head of the giant. Why is it hard to get the marshmallow to reach the giant’s head?

7. The children can create a craft from one of the many free crafts that are on-line. Note: We never discuss death with the young child in class as this something they cannot comprehend at this point. We say that the giant gets hit in the head with the stone and falls down. The blacklight story works well for retelling the story the second time you present the lesson. Remember repetition is important at this age.

Extra Time:

8. Sing or say “Only a Boy named David”.

Say this poem and add your own hand motions to it.
Only a boy named David
Only a little sling
Only a boy named David
But he could pray and sing

Only a boy named David
Only a rippling brook
Only a boy named David
But five little stones he took.

And one little stone went in the sling
And the sling went round and round
And one little stone went in the sling
And the sling went round and round

And round and round
And round and round
And round and round and round
And one little prayer went up to God
And the giant came tumbling down.

9. God Cares for Me Flipbook. Show pictures and name them with children’s help of things God does for us. This is made from clip art pictures downloaded from online.