If you work with young children, you know they are interested in opening and closing containers. It is quite a passion. Colorful, shiny containers are even better to open and close as these please the eye. This activity encourage little ones to do something they naturally enjoy doing but also learn about Jesus.
Activity Preparation
At a discount store, purchase easy to open translucent hearts. These were found at the $1.25 store during the Valentine season but you may be able to find something similar online. Then print and laminate the file below of pictures. You will need one heart and one picture per child in your home or classroom. There are more than 6 children in our Bible class so we printed two pages of hearts and bought 12 hearts or purchased three packages. We then cut out the hearts and placed one heart in each container. Note: Pictures on the hearts are from
Object of the Activity
Demonstrate to the children they will select a heart from the pile of hearts. They are to identify what Jesus is doing in the picture. If they are unable to verbalize it, you may help them. You can then follow up by saying that Jesus served others by helping them. The pictures show Jesus serving His disciples as He washes their dirty feet. He serves others by healing their hurt bodies such as their legs. He serves others by feeding them food. Jesus serves others by helping them see again and calling disciples to follow Him. Finally, Jesus serves others when they fall and are unable to get up. Jesus is a servant with a loving heart.
Let each child open a heart, name the picture they have and if there are at least 2 sets of pictures see if they can find the person who has they same picture as they do. When finished matching pictures, they put their picture back in the heart and close it up.
Closing the Activity
End the activity, by asking the children ways they can help others and be a servant like Jesus.