“He Loved Them to the End” Heart Lacing Cards


In John 13:1 the scripture says that Jesus loved His disciples to the end. How beautiful! He called the disciples His own and He loved them to the end of His life. What a joyous feeling to know that Jesus is your friend and He loves you.

We know that Jesus loves us, too. It is wonderful to know how much Jesus loves us by how much He gave up for us and what He did for us. we need to share this love with the children in our lives. A simple way is to create these heart lacing cards.

Creating the Cards

Step 1: Cut out hearts that are 6 inches wide from poster board or foam board. We used a heavy weight type cardboard so that the end product would be sturdy.

Step 2: Punch holes around the edge of the heart. For young children, you will only want a few holes. For older childen, you may have holes that are closer together.

Step 3: Write on the heart, the end of John 13:1 with a permanent marker. Thread a dulled plastic needle with red yarn (Or any other color you want to use.) Tie the yarn off at the end and through the eye of the needle. Tie the other end of the yarn to one of the holes that was punched,

Step 4: Show the child how you go up and down with the needle from one hole to the next. Young children may go all over the place and that is quite alright. It is the experience. As the child works talk to him or her about the Bible story in John 13: 1-17. Read the words on the heart and tell the child what the phrase means.

Step 5: To close the activity, have the children repeat the words on the heart with you. Remind the children that Jesus loved His friends the disciples and He loves us, too. Sing “Jesus Loves Me.”