Paul went on Trips Song


Paul went on many trips in his 3 missionary journeys. It is fun to teach your children about some of the things that happened on Paul’s trips and how he did much good with God’s power. Using games and songs are just a few of the things you can do to talk to your children about Paul. Check out our Post about traveling on Paul’s boat for some ideas.

A fun song and activity to do with young children when you are studying Paul’s trips is to sing a song while they pretend to float a small boat in pretend water. Below is the song that can be sung to the familiar tune, “Deep and Wide”.

Paul’s Trips

Tune: Deep and Wide

(Children move a small boat as song is sung.)

Paul went on trips.

Paul went on trips.

Paul went on 3 missionary journeys.

Paul went on trips.

Paul went on trips.

Paul went on 3 missionary journeys.

Teaching people.

Teaching people.

Paul taught and baptized people where he went.

Teaching people.

Teaching people.

Paul taught and baptized people where he went.