Sensory writing for Bible class

Sensory Writing
We use our senses everyday and every second of the day. It is how we learn. To young children, their senses are vital in the learning process. This activity shows how a few sensory materials can be used to teach important concepts in Bible school, school, preschool and in the home.
Creating the Key Materials:
First, you will need to gather your materials: I would suggest using a work tray, colored sand or just sand, colored glue, cardstock, and a printer. You probably have versions of each item in your possession already but if you don’t the link on the words give you options.
I would strongly suggest using good colored glue. I tried a cheaper glue at first. There was too much water in it and the result was horrible. I found the investment was worth it.
Because I print so much for my Bible school activities, we invested in an Epson Eco Tank Printer. It is a higher initial investment but the bottled ink is a big savings over cartridges. You will want to print your words with an open font. For this activity, I used the font Chubb at font size 175.
Since we were studying about Peter’s confession, I printed the word Jesus on white cardstock then wrote His name with colored glue inside the letters. I let this dry completely. If you want this more raised, apply glue again and let dry.
Then place the cardstock creation on your work tray. Put sand over the word or words. Note: For a class, you will make one for each child to use or create as a center activity. This would be a great way to introduce a new memory verse.
Before presenting the matrials to the child or children, explain that we are going to learn a new word in class today or new words. We are going to feel the letters. For my lesson, I am going to remind the children that Peter stated the Man before him was someone. Do they remember who He was? Peter said He was God’s Son. He is Jesus! Let’s find His name.
The children will then be reminded we are going to carefully and calmly take our pointer finger (The teacher will demonstrate.) and find Jesus name in the sand. We will then move our finger over the letters and the teachers will spell His name. We will do this several times.
This is a great way to review a story, use the children’s senses and have fun at the same time. Try this in your next class.