This is a great game to use when you want to review material about Abraham. It is active and fun. Those are two things that young children love! Let each child have a turn tossing the cube. The picture they land on is the movement they make. For example, if they land on the Star – The children will open and close their hands to make them twinkle like stars. Below is the picture stated and the action they are to do. Note: Cubes may be purchased at your local, discount variety store for $1 to $1.25 and can be used for numerous activities. *** Click on the file below for the cube pictures.
Actions for Cube Game
Sarah – Laughing hard as Sarai would have.
Abraham – Bowing body forward
Isaac – Pretend to rock a baby.
Camel – Stomping feet
Water – Waving hands back and forth like waves.
Star – Twinkle hands by open and closing hands to make twinkling stars