Bible Time Songs and Game


Setting aside a few moments of your class time to focus on God’s Word is a very important component of every class. Yes, you are teaching a Bible story, but what I am speaking about is the Book itself. Spend a few moments each time you meet to focus on the Bible. Children need to understand that it is God’s own words and these words are important to their lives. Below are a few ideas to help share that message with your little seeds.

Bible Time Game

Hold up a Bible and ask, “What is this? Yes, It is a Bible.”  Ask, “Whose word is it? God’s Word”

Show a small Bible and tell children we are playing a game today with our Bible. Give directions to the children that they take the Bible and then pass it to the next person as the song is sung. You can have them get up and sit on the floor to pass around the Bible. You will probably need to demonstrate this and the children may need a slow walk through before the actual game is played. Sing the song and the children pass the Bible around the circle to each other. At the end of the song, the teacher says, “__________ has God’s Word.” Sing the song and play the game a couple of times or at least until every child has had a turn.

Pass, Pass, Pass the Bible
Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”

Pass, Pass, Pass the Bible
Pass it to a friend
Let them learn about God’s Word
From the beginning to the end.

After finishing the game of passing the Bible, explain how important the Bible is and we should share God’s important words with everyone.

The Bible is God’s Word

Teach the children that the Bible is God’s Word. Show the children a Bible. Explain that the words inside are important words that men wrote because God told them exactly what to say. If the Bible has red letters in it, explain these are words that Jesus said. Sing the song below.

The Bible is God’s Word
Tune: The Farmer in the Dell

The Bible is God’s Word
The Bible is God’s Word
I love to read it every day.
The Bible is God’s Word

How Should I Treat My Bible? Flipchart

Making the Flipchart

This is an easy flipchart that you can make. Using clip art, print 3 pictures of an open Bible, a closed front of a Bible, and a pair of scissors. Glue the closed Bible onto colored cardstock or construction paper. I used blue and it is very pretty showing up well. On another sheet, glue down an open Bible picture and scribble over the picture with a pen. For the second open Bible picture, tear it in two and glue the two pieces down just an 1/8th in apart. For the final open Bible picture, cut a small section of the Bible page out and glue it down then glue the clip art scissors on top of that. You now have a flipchart.

The Flipchart Activity

Show the children the closed front of the Bible. Ask, “What is the name of this Book? Whose Word is it? Let’s think about how I should treat my Bible since it is God’s Word.”
Show the scribbled on page of the Bible. Ask, “Should I scribble on my Bible?” Wag your finger at the children and say, “Oh, no, no, no I shouldn’t scribble in my Bible.”
Show the torn page of the Bible. Ask, “Should I tear my Bible?” Wag your finger at the children and say, “Oh, no, no, no I shouldn’t tear my Bible.”
Show the cut page of the Bible. Ask, “Should I cut my Bible?” Wag your finger at the children and say, “Oh, no, no, no I shouldn’t cut my Bible.
Ask: “Do we read the Bible? Yes! Do we love the Bible? Yes!”  
Sing: “Oh I Love to Love My Bible” and demonstrate to children loving Bible. the next verse is “Oh I love to read my Bible”. The Teacher demonstrates reading the Bible as this verse is sung.

Oh I Love to Read My Bible

Ask: “Do we read the Bible? Yes! Do we love the Bible? Yes!”  
Sing: “Oh I Love to Love My Bible” and demonstrate to children loving Bible. the next verse is “Oh I love to read my Bible”. The Teacher demonstrates reading the Bible as this verse is sung.

Oh I Love to Read My Bible
Tune: “Have You Ever Seen a Lassie”

Oh, I love to love my Bible,
My Bible, my Bible.
Oh, I love to love my Bible
It’s God’s Word to me.

Oh, I love to read my Bible,
My Bible, my Bible.
Oh, I love to read my Bible
It’s God’s Word to me.