Introduction: Making Moses Relatable to Young Children We often teach young children about Baby Moses in our Bible lessons, but prior to doing so, do we take time to help…
Jesus Loves Song
It is always great to sing with out little ones about how much Jesus loves us. Whether it be “Jesus Loves Me” or “Jesus Loves the Little Children”, it is…
“Be Our Guest Speaker” in Bible School
Introduction We often teach Bible lessons about a variety of subjects such as fishing, healing, preaching, missionary work, boat building, singing, etc. There are great activities that can be done…
Creation Collection
Little CollectorsHave you ever noticed that young children love to collect things outside? Maybe your child has bowls of dirt, pockets full of acorns, or a diverse rock garden. Children…
Pretzel Writing
IntroductionIn this activity, you will be writing words that we find throughout the Bible with pretzel sticks! This is a great activity to give the kids in your class a…
Joseph – Learning is in the Bag
A Little Introduction: Many years ago when I was an early childhood teacher in a public school setting, I soon realized that many children in my classroom were not having…
Paul went on Trips Song
Introduction Paul went on many trips in his 3 missionary journeys. It is fun to teach your children about some of the things that happened on Paul’s trips and how…
The Beatitudes Song – Bibletimekids
Working on the learning the Beatitudes with your little one? Songs are a great way to help remember all of these wonderful Blessed statements from Jesus. Try singing along 🙂…
Abraham – Black Light Story
Why Black Light Stories? In teaching several of the Bible lessons, you will see that we will utilize black light stories. Why is that? Black light stories are very beneficial…
A Class Boat for Paul
Going on A Trip When we study about Paul, we soon realize that he took many boat trips. Boats are mentioned many times as a mode of transportation in Bible…
Peg Board Sewing
The Question What do you do when you want to teach the lesson about Dorcas to your Littles and you want to have a sewing type activity but you know…
10 Lepers Song
It is so important to teach our little ones to say thank you to others. We especially need to teach them to say thank you to God and Jesus for…
Horse Ball Game
Fun review game to play with a horse theme
Object Lesson – Growth of the Early Church
Introduction This object lesson involves making a tasty snack with your child while teaching them about the growth of the early church. For this lesson, you will be making popcorn……
Joseph’s Pit
Introduction: We have said in other posts that it is important to find different ways to share Bible stories or events with the children in your classroom. Three dimensional items…
“It’s a Miracle!” Song – Bibletimekids
This fun song talks about how extraordinary Jesus’ miracles were! He healed the blind, the lame, the deaf, the mute and diseased! Enjoy singing this song with your little ones….
Creation Trail Mix
IntroductionFood is a great teaching medium for your ones! This activity allows you to make a really fun trail mix snack while teaching your child about what God made on…
Teaching a Typical Bible Class for Little Learners: A Lesson on Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet
Introduction: Knowing how to teach a Bible class of young children can be difficult at first for some. There is not a school for the teacher to gain experience and…
“Jesus, I Am” Song
Enjoy singing this fun song on some of the many names of Jesus. Once you are done, you can also go and take an interactive quiz on some of these…
Easy Flashcard Template
What is Spaced Repetition?Flashcards are a great tool for learning and memorizing new information. There is a technique called spaced repetition that utilizes flashcards and is very useful in learning….