Days of Creation Crossword

Days of Creation Crossword Puzzle

The Genesis 1 story of God creating the world and everything we know is an amazing one to teach kids! God is awesome and powerful, and this story of creation showcases this power of our God. This free Days of Creation crossword puzzle printable is great as a supporting activity when teaching the story of Genesis 1 in your class or for Bible Bowl Prep. Crossword puzzles are fun and different and this will be sure to get your child interested in answering questions related to the Days of Creation. Your child will have to dig through their Bible as they search for answers to the crossword puzzle questions. Or better yet, have your child read the story then try to answer the questions from memory, only looking at the verses if they get stuck. This will really help them to commit the Bible passage to memory. Do this activity in your class with them or send it home with children so they can Explore More in Genesis. Note, the New Kings James Version was used to create this crossword puzzle. The answer sheet is also below in case you need help on any of the words. Happy puzzling!

For more word puzzles, check out our Romans puzzles or our Judges crossword puzzle. We also have multiple resources to prepare for 2025 Lads to Leaders Bible Bowl!

5. God made dry land appear and brought forth grass with herb and fruit trees on the _______ day.
8. According to verse 1:6 God said “Let there be a __________ in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the water from the waters.”
9. Verse 1:28 says that God blesses male and female and tells them to be fruitful and multiple and to fill the earth and _____________ it.
11. Verse 1:31 says that God saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was _____________ good.
13. According to verse 1:29, God gave every herb that yields seed and tree whose fruit yields seed to be as __________________.
16. Verse 1:5 says that God called the darkness _____________
17. According to verse 1:14, the lights in the firmament of the heaves divided the day and night and would be for signs and ____________, and for days and years.
19. According to verse 1:2, what was hovering over the face of the waters at the beginning?
21. Verse 1:8 says that God called the firmament ______________.
23. God says in verse 1:24 “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and _____________ thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind.”
25. Verse 1:21 says that God created great sea creatures and every _____________ bird according to its kind.
26. Verse 1:28 says that male and female were to have ___________ over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.
28. God made two great lights and the stars on the ____________ day, and it was good.
29. God made beasts of the earth, cattle, and creeping things on the ___________ day
30. Verse 1:22 says that God told the sea creatures and winged birds to be ___________ and multiply.
31. Verse 1:20 says that God said “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living __________, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”

1. Verse 1:3 says that God said “Let there be _______”; and there was __________.
2. According to verse 1:10, God called the gathering together of waters _________.
3. Verse 1:9 says that God gathered the water together into one place and the ____   ________ appeared
4. According to verse 1:7, the firmament separated the ____________ which were under the firmament and the ___________ which were above the firmament.
6. According to verse 1:16 God made two great lights. The greater to rule the day and the __________ to rule the night. 
7. According to verse 1:27, God created man in His own ________.
8. On the _______________, God made sea creatures to abound in the waters and winged birds to fly above.
10. Verse 1:4 says that God saw the light was good and he divided the light from the ______________.
12. According to verse 1:1, in the beginning God created the heavens and the _______.
14. On the first _______, God created the light.
15. Verse 1:30 says that God gave every ___________   __________ for food to every beast, bird, and thing that creeps.
18. Verse 1:12 says that the earth brought forth herb and fruit and both yielded ________ according to its kind.
20. God says in verse 1:26 “Let Us make man in _______ image, according to ________ likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
21. Verse 1:11 says that God brought forth grass, the _____ that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yield fruit, according to its kind.
22. According to verse 1:2, the earth at the beginning was without form and _______.
23. Verse 1:25 says that God made the beast according to its kind, __________ according to its kind, and everything that creeps according to its kind. And it was good.
24. Verse 1:10 says that God saw the dry land (Earth) and the gathering together of waters (Seas) and that it was _________.
27. Verse 1:16 says that in addition to the two great lights, God also made __________.