What is Spaced Repetition?
Flashcards are a great tool for learning and memorizing new information. There is a technique called spaced repetition that utilizes flashcards and is very useful in learning. The idea is that as you learn a new topic, space out how often you practice that topic. By gradually adding more time between your review, you are making the learning more difficult and will therefore retain the knowledge better. The slight struggle is what makes it stick!
How to Use Flashcards for Spaced Repetition
Flashcards can be used for spaced repetition by using file dividers that increase the time between practice. As you get a card correct, you move it back a divider card so you practice it less frequently. If you ever get a card wrong, it has to be moved all the way back to the first divider. Your dividers could be broken up by certain days you will practice the flashcards or they can be divided up by length of time between practice.

How Can This Be Used In Teaching God's Word
There are a lot of uses for teaching through spaced repetition. Since this is such an effective way of learning and retaining new knowledge, basically any Bible content can be added on flashcards and practiced. It could be especially useful for Bible Bowl preparation or verse memorization. Make sure though that as you teach biblical facts, you teach the message along with the facts. For example, if you are practicing Bible Bowl questions about Ezra and Nehemiah in preparation for Lads to Leaders, make sure you teach about the overall message of Ezra and Nehemiah and how these facts are important in the story. Never forget the why when teaching!
How to Use the Spreadsheet
- Download the Flashcard Template Spreadsheet.
- Add your questions and answers to the 'Questions and Answers' sheet. Questions are added in Column A and corresponding answers in column B.
- The questions and answers will be added to the Printable File sheet in their corresponding cells so when the file is printed front and back along the long side of the paper, the correct answer is on the back of each question.
- To print, go to the Printable File sheet and select all the cells that you want to print (from column A to R down to your last row). Then go to File > Print > Selected Cells.
- Cut your flashcards out and start practicing!