“I Spy in My Bible” Lesson Review

Reviewing Bible stories that you have covered should take place at the beginning of each class period. You always want to keep the previous Bible lessons on the mind of your children. A simple way to do this is by playing “I Spy in My Bible”.


Prior to meeting with the children, print a small picture that represents what your Bible lesson was about. You can use www.freebibleimages.com to find the perfect image that matches your Bible story. Print it the size that will fit in a small Bible. You may decide to laminate it for reuse then lightly tape it in the Bible using something like Mavalus tape.

Instructions for Activity

Before giving each child a Bible you prepared, ask them what it is. Ask, whose Word is it? Explain that you are going to play a game. You are going to use your eyes to spy for a picture. Show them the picture you want to find. Talk about the picture and ask what the Bible story or event was about. Sing the song below.

Spying in My Bible

Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”

I spy in my Bible.

I spy in my Bible.

I look and look to see if I can find.

The picture of ___________________.

Hand the children their Bible and see if they can find the picture you showed them. After you have finished a lesson, you will add a new picture to each child’s Bible to help them review that lesson the next time you sit down together.