Jesus Had a Heart of Service Craft


One of my favorite Bible events is when Jesus shows His love and service to His disciples by washing their feet. (John 13:1-17) Christ shows His love and service to His friends by doing this act of kindness. What a wonderful Master our Lord is. This vibrant love and service craft allows the child to see how Jesus shows His service and love to His disciples and friends.


To prepare for this craft, the teacher or parent will gather materials such as doilies, heart stickers, felt stickers, heart stamps, stamp pads, cut out feet, glue sticks and “Jesus had a Heart of Service” labels.

Prior to creating the craft, talk about the Bible story and show the children your completed craft. Let the children use the materials to create their own craft. Explain why the hearts and feet are important to the craft while the children work. Works well with the activity: Jesus Had a Heart of Service Activity