Memory Verse Scavenger Hunt


Learning a short two to five word memory verse over a three month period is a great way to start instilling God’s Word into the hearts of young children. The idea in this post allows children to go on a scavenger hunt and solve a puzzle. Check out our post on Memory Verse Games for Littles for more ideas on creative ways to help young children remember God’s Word while making the process innovative and fun!

To Prepare

Prior to presenting the activity, you might choose to purchase a set of small magnifying glasses and look online for a pattern to create each child’s paper detective hat. The teacher prints the hat pattern, lets the children decorate their hat, and then adds sentence strips or poster strips to fit around the child’s head to make the hat. Just these small effects will add to the spirit of the hunt and the mystery of the whole event.

Next, you will prepare memory boards by cutting a poster board into four or five inch wide strips. Then find pictures to depict the memory words. I like to use or cut out images from a die cut machine. I write the memory words on the die cut images and if using picture images I write them under or beside these. You will need two copies of each image for each child to create the activity. One set of images will be glued on the board in the order of the verse. (See the photo.) The board and the extra image set are then laminated and the pictures are Velcroed on top. Let the Velcroed pictures set for 24 hours before use. Velcro works better if you do this procedure.

To Play the Game

To play, you will remove the images off the board and hide them before the activity. Let the children dress in their hat and give them their magnifying glass. Show them how the magnifying glass is used. Explain to the children that they are “word detectives” and talk about what a detective does. Memory Words have gone missing in the space or room. We must find them. Show them the board and how the words are missing. Tell the children they must find the missing words and put them in the correct order on their board. When they have found all their words they are to come and sit down. You will help them “read” their words in a moment. Monitor the children’s understanding by walking around and making sure they understand how to find their words and adhere them to their board. Praise children specifically for the job they are doing.


When all the children are seated, praise them for their job as detectives. They have solved the mystery of the missing words. Now, let’s read these words. Show the children how to use their finger to touch each word and “read” it. Say the memory words over and over again. Clap for a job well done.