Naaman Chant

Naaman Chant

Naaman Chant

This fun chant is great to review a lesson on Naaman with your class. It is great for kids of all ages. They will love interacting with an “Oh no” or “Oh yes”!


Naaman had a bad disease – Oh no!!
He had leprosy – Oh no!!
Couldn’t lead his army. – Oh no!!
What could Naaman do?

Naaman had a servant girl. – Oh yes!!
She knew the answer. – Oh yes!!
Call for the prophet. – Oh yes!!
Elisha said ok.

Dip in the Jordan. – Oh no!!
Dirty smelly Jordan? – Oh no!!
Can I use a different one? – Oh no!!
Naaman said ok.

He went to the Jordan. – Oh yes!!
He dipped seven times. – Oh yes!!
Naaman was cured. – Oh yes!!
No more leprosy! – Yay!!!