Noah’s Ark Cube Toss

Overview of Noah’s Ark Lessons

We tell the story of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood in six lessons. Lesson 1 is about Building the Ark and why God has decided that He must flood the earth choosing to save Noah and his family. Lesson 2 is about God telling Noah to fill the ark with two animals of every kind and seven of some. Then God closes the door. Lesson 3 features the forty days and nights of rain. Lesson 4 is about Noah sending out a raven and then a dove to determine when it is safe for the animals and his family to leave the ark. Lesson 5 is about God making a promise to never flood the entire world again by sending a rainbow and Noah and his family building an altar to praise God. Lesson 6 is a review of the previous 5 lessons. I try to utilize a variety of methods to help review the materials we have covered. The Noah’s Ark Cube Toss is one such method.

Creating the Cube Toss Activity

In order to make the cube toss activity, you will need to print the pictures below on cardstock so that the pictures have weight to them. Then cut these out on the line outlines and laminate. Attach the pictures with packing tape to a cube. I usually find inexpensive ones at the Dollar Tree for a $1.25 in the school supply section or you can order a nice set that you just put the pictures in a sleeve on Amazon. Both cubes are reuseable for other stories.

Review and Move with the Cube

To play, the teacher will demonstrate by tossing the cube. The picture that is face up when the cube lands is what will be acted out. See below to see what each picture’s movement is. The whole class makes the movement. Encourage the children to name the picture first. Older children can state what they know about the picture. For younger children, the teacher will state a simple fact.

Ark – Move your hands like a boat floating on the water.
Dove – Flap arms like the wings on a bird. Tools – Pretend to hammer and saw with hands.
Raindrops – Use fingers to make a raining motion.
Rainbow – Put arms above head and move back and forth in an arch motion.
Animals – Children can choose an animal to make the sound of the animal.

As always, have fun but remember to share God’s word. When children are able to use their whole body to learn they will remember the facts more. This activity should help engage their memory.