Noah’s Cut and Tell Story

It’s in the Details

People always enjoy hearing a good story but when you bring the events of the Bible to life for children it makes God’s Word become real. You can do this by simply using a sheet of white paper, this pattern, a pencil and a pair of scissors (shears).


Follow these simple directions to make your story presentation easy.

a. Fold the white sheet of paper in half like a taco or lengthwise.

b. On the back of the folded sheet of paper, lightly sketch on the fold line the pattern of each picture. (See the drawing.) You will need to print the the drawing, cut out each piece and lightly sketch it on on the fold line. You want to make sure that the picture when cut will be connected because it is on the fold.

c. I would sketch two. You can practice telling the story with one and have the other for the actual story telling event with the children.

Telling the Bible Story

First, we suggest that you read the event of Noah and the ark found beginning in Genesis 6:5 to Genesis 9:17. Knowing your Bible story is imperative.

Second, tell the children you have a special story of an event that happened in the Bible. It is true and what is amazing is that you are going to tell this story with only this sheet of paper and a pair of scissors. Show the children the scissors and sheet of paper without sharing your sketch.

Third, tell the Bible story.

a. (Start cutting the ark slowly as you talk.) God looked over the Earth and was very sad to see all the mean things people were doing. He found one man, Noah, who loved God and was doing good. God told Noah He was going to flood the Earth so Noah was to build a big boat called an ark. (Open paper and show ark. Fold paper again.)

b. (Start cutting window slowly as you talk.) God gave Noah very specific directions on how to build the ark. One thing God said to do was to add one window and one door. (Open and show the one window.) Fold closed again.

c. (Start cutting rabbit as you talk.) After the ark was built, God told Noah to gather two of every animal, a boy and a girl, and put them on the ark. What kinds of animals do you think Noah would have put on the ark? (Have a few children name something.) One animal Noah gathered would have gathered would have been a rabbit. (Cut the bottom at the fold line so you will have two.) Noah would have had two rabbits, a boy and a girl, just like God told him to gather. (Fold the paper again.)

d. (Start cutting the rainbow slowly.) Whenall the animals and Noah’s family were inside, God shut the door. It rained for forty days and nights. The ark rose above the mountain tops. The earth was covered with water for 150 days. God took care of everyone inside. Noah sent out a raven and then a dove to see if the land was dry for them to leave the ark and it finally was.

When the ark was empty, Noah worshipped God. God put a special symbol in the sky to say that He would never flood the whole Earth again. What was it? (Open the last cutting.) A rainbow!!!


Ask wasn’t that a fun way to learn about Noah? Review the story holding up the different symbols that were cut out. Ask the children to name each piece. Congratulate your good listeners.

Extra Activities

Use the “The Rainbow Song” found on this website with this lesson.

Craft Idea: Print off a rainbow design from the website myboredtoddler and give each child sticker dots of the 3 primary and 3 seconday colors. Let each child create their own colorful rainbow. Rainbow organization sticker dots are available at and

Movement Activity

Create a pom pom like rainmaker by taping down blue crepe paper to wide craft stickers. Let children make it rain as you sSing the following song.

“It Rained for 40 Days and Nights

Tune: “Here we Go Round the Mulberry Bush”

It rained for 40 days and nights

Days and nights,

Days and nights,

It rained for 40 days and nights

But all were safe in the ark.