Romans 6 Secret Message Puzzle

Romans 6 Secret Message Puzzle

This word puzzle is a challenging one! But a great way to challenge your child mentally and to have them dig through their Bible. For this puzzle, your kid will search through Romans 6 to fill in the blanks of the chapter. As they fill in the blanks, they will take the letter that is on one of the numbers and fill that letter into the Secret Message on the corresponding number. This is where it gets tricky because it is a long secret message! It may take a little while to do over a few sessions. But stick with it! It does help as they match a number with the corresponding number in the secret message to mark out the number in the secret message so you will not keep looking at that number. Also, I would recommend using a pencil for this one! Note, the New Kings James Version was used to create this fill in the blank. The answer sheet is also below in case you need help on any of the words.

For more Romans word puzzles like word searches and cryptograms, check out our Lads to Leaders page. We have multiple resources to prepare for 2024 Lads to Leaders Bible Bowl!