Why Black Light Stories?
In teaching several of the Bible lessons, you will see that we will utilize black light stories. Why is that? Black light stories are very beneficial as a teaching resource. First, they are engaging and exciting to the learner because it is a different form of a learning medium than what is typically used. Second, it enhances the learner’s memory of the story or event. Having something that is as vivid as a black light story with its’ special wording and colors makes it easier for the learner to remember key facts. Finally, black light stories employ the use of more than one sense. With the use of rhyme, song, color and light, hearing and sight are tantalized. It is not a wonder children become excited when the black light and black light story are used to tell the Bible story or review the lesson. Keep this option available in your teaching bag of tricks!
This black light story is even more special because it is also interactive! The children in your Bible class can make Adam and Eve hide, take 'bites' of the fruit, and move Adam and Eve out of the garden. The assembly is a little more tricky to make it interactive, but it is worth it for the extra engagement!

The Fall Black Light Story Craft
- Bright Paper (we used AstroBrights 'Happy' Cardstock pack)
- 5 Pieces of size 14" x 16" Black Tag Board or Black Poster Board
- Scissors
- Cutting Machine (Cricut, Silhouette, etc) - Not required! Just helpful if you have it.
- Glue
- Black Marker
- X-ACTO knife
- Two brads
If you have a cutting machine such as a Cricut or Silhouette, you can use the below SVG download to cut out the images with your machine. Just load and cut 🙂
If you do not have a cutting machine, you can download the below PDF and print the pages on the corresponding colors. Then cut the images out.
On the back of each card, you can glue the words to the song so you can remember the lyrics as you teach.
The Fall Black Light Story Song
After all your pieces are cut out, it is time to start assembling. Use the below guide to assemble and glue your images down on each black sheet of paper. Use the marker to draw on the faces for the different people.
Card 1 - Glue all the scenery down on the page. You can view what card one looks like below. Now take your X-ACTO knife and cut little slits at the top of the bush for Adam and Eve to poke out from. You will want the slits to be large enough so you can move Adam and Eve up and down. Card 1 is used three times in this story. 1A to introduce Adam in Eve. 1B you pull Adam and Eve down so they are hiding. Then on 1C you use the sad, clothed Adam and Eve to show them leaving the garden.

Card 2 - Glue the serpent down as shown below.
Card 3 - Glue the main part of the fruit down along with the stem. Then you will use your X-ACTO knife to cut the bite parts of the fruit out. Just cut a small semi circle out of the tag board. You will then past the pink semi circles on a circle of tag board and use a brad to add the circle to the back side of the fruit. Now each bite of the fruit can be bitten when singing the song.

Card 4 - Glue the serpent without arms and legs down as shown below.
This black light story is a little more tricky than most because it is interactive. Card 1 and Card 3 have cuts in the black tag board so you and the child can move the pieces around it.
The Fall of Adam and Eve Song
Tune: Ten Little Indians
Card 1A - The Garden

Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden.
God made this special place.
Card 2 - The Serpent

The tricky serpent was also there.
The tricky serpent was also there.
The tricky serpent was also there.
Convincing Eve to sin.
Card 3 - The Fruit

Eve took a bite of the fruit.
Adam took a bite of the fruit.
They took a bite of the fruit.
Even when God said no.
Card 1B - Adam and Eve Hide

Adam and Eve hid from God.
Adam and Eve hid from God.
Adam and Eve hid from God.
Because they had sinned.
Card 4 - The Serpent's Curse

The serpent must crawl on his belly.
The serpent must crawl on his belly.
The serpent must crawl on his belly.
Because God punished him.
Card 1C - Adam and Eve Leave

Adam and Eve must leave the Garden.
Adam and Eve must leave the Garden.
Adam and Eve must leave the Garden.
For disobeying God.