Tower of Babel Song

Tower of Babel Song


We love songs and how they can teach a child a lesson while being interactive! This song is a great example of just that. It is a sing and repeat song so the children can quickly learn this song since they are repeating after you. This song also features ways to say goodbye in different languages to highlight how the people of Babel had their language confused in Genesis 11 after they did not follow God’s instructions to spread throughout the world. Your children will love singing “goodbye” in the different languages. If you want to make this song even more interactive, you can also do the actions described below after the asterisk on each line.

This is not an original tune, but I cannot place where this tune comes from. If you know what tune this song is to, please comment below so we can add that information to this post.

Tower of Babel Song

The people of Babel (Echo)
Wanted to build real high. (Echo) *Hold your arms parallel like a tower and raise up to head height*
The people of Babel (Echo) *Keep arms held up*
Wanted to touch the sky. (Echo) *Raise your arms all the way up like a tall tower*

But God said “No!” (Echo) *Shake finger saying “No”*
I’ll show you so. (Echo) *Keep shaking finger*
I’ll confuse your talk (Echo) *Point to mouth*
So then you’ll walk. (Echo) *March in place*

Adios! Goodbye! (Echo) *Wave goodbye*
Ciao, Au revoir. (Echo) *Wave goodbye*
Namaste, Sayonara. (Echo) *Wave goodbye*
Shalom. (Echo) *Wave goodbye*

If you want another Tower of Babel song, check out this one done by Bible Time Kids!