Tower of Babel Song – Bible Time Kids

This fun song is a great summary of the Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11. By learning this song, your child will know the story of Babel well! They will also learn that we must obey God and watch our attitude.

Want another songs from Bible Time Kids? Check out It’s a Miracle or The Beatitudes song!

Tower of Babel Lyrics

Have you ever wondered
why I speak English
but many people speak some other kind.
There is a story
found in the Bible
in Genesis 11 verses 3 through 9.

Let’s get some bricks!
Let’s get some mortar!
Let’s build a tower to the sky!
People will see it.
People will notice.
We’ll be remembered far and wide.

God saw the building.
He didn’t want it.
God didn’t like their attitude.
Stopped all the building.
Changed all the language.
Scattered the people all around the world.

They got some bricks!
They got some mortar!
They built a tower to the sky!
God did see it.
God did notice.
Scattered the people far and wide.