Widow with Two Mites Song


A song is a great way to learn a story! To learn aid in learning the story about the widow who gave her only two mites, we have altered the song ‘Magic Penny’ by Malvina Reynolds. Verse 1 is altered and a new verse 2 has been added to cover the story of the widow with her two mites. When teaching your bible class or child about this widow in Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4, try singing this rendition of this song. We promise it will be stuck in your head in no time!

Magic Penny – Altered

Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away you’ll end up having more.

Verse 1:
Love is like a magic penny.
Hold on tight and you won’t have any.
Give it away and you’ll have plenty
You’ll end up having more.


Verse 2:
The widow with two mites gave them freely.
Others gave little though they had many.
We should take what we have and give it cheerfully.
We’ll end up having more.


For more fun, educational songs, go check out our songs archive!