Work for the Kingdom of the Lord

It is so important to teach little ones how they can work in God’s kingdom even at a young age. This fun song shows a few ways that they can use their whole body to serve Him.

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

1 Cor 15:58, ESV

This song is great for three more reasons…

  1. It is a perfect for wiggly group because it gets them moving.
  2. It will teach them more about parts of their body
  3. It is to a familiar tune because this song is to the tune of Be Careful Little Eyes What You See.

Work for the Kingdom of the Lord

Tune: Be Careful Little Eyes What You See

I will read the Bible with my eyes. (point to eyes)
I will read the Bible with my eyes. (point to eyes)
Every chance that I see, I will use my body. (act like you are looking)
I will work for the Kingdom of the Lord. (pound hands together like you are building)

I will listen to God’s Word with my ears. (point to ears)
I will listen to God’s Word with my ears. (point to ears)
Every chance that I see, I will use my body. (act like you are looking)
I will work for the Kingdom of the Lord. (pound hands together like you are building)

I will love my neighbor with my heart. (point to heart)
I will love my neighbor with my heart. (point to heart)
Every chance that I see, I will use my body. (act like you are looking)
I will work for the Kingdom of the Lord. (pound hands together like you are building)

I will walk in the light with my feet. (stomp feet)
I will walk in the light with my feet. (stomp feet)
Every chance that I see, I will use my body. (act like you are looking)
I will work for the Kingdom of the Lord. (pound hands together like you are building)

I will help other people with my hands. (wave hands)
I will help other people with my hands. (wave hands)
Every chance that I see, I will use my body. (act like you are looking)
I will work for the Kingdom of the Lord. (pound hands together like you are building)

I will teach about Jesus with my mouth. (point to mouth)
I will teach about Jesus with my mouth. (point to mouth)
Every chance that I see, I will use my body. (act like you are looking)
I will work for the Kingdom of the Lord. (pound hands together like you are building)